Passwords run our life nowadays. We’ve become accustomed to password policies which have a minimum character limit (8 seems pretty standard), don’t let us have the same password as our username, don’t let the password be our name (depending on how much the system knows about you) and a host of other seemingly strange rules. […]
Emoji have taken over. It seems you can’t open a message without it containing some form of emoji :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: Recently, I’ve been questioning whether emoji can be used in professional communications, and when I say “questioning”, I mean “have decided you can’t”. Dundee University recently tweeted RESITS – The timetable for resits is now available […]
Comic Sans, the font which makes designers weep. Often used by people to make things look more “friendly” and “fun”. Inspired by the fonts used in comic books, Comic Sans was designed by Vincent Connare and released by Microsoft in 1994. Its been around in Windows ever since and has even had a bit of […]